
Round the Clock Dialysis services available.(24×7)

First dialysis unit in India to provide maintenance Hemodialysis in separate chambers with TV and separate staff for all patients.

We provide latest R.O. (Reverse Osmosis) water as per AAMI Standards for the dialysis, to ensure patient safety and prevent long term complications on Hemodialysis.
Latest generation, fully computerized bicarbonate Hemodialysis machines with volumetric ultra filtration and adjustable sodium facility, and provides better patient safety profile.
We have one of the best, state-of-the-art computerized automatic dialyzer re-use system in India which ensures safety & adequacy of dialysis and also economize dialysis for the patient.
Facility for continuous monitoring of sick patient on dialysis through highly sophisticated monitors throughout the dialysis procedure is available.
Hepatitis Virus Free Dialysis Unit
Disinfection of Hemodialysis machines after every shift is practiced for patient safety.
We have highly trained technical and nursing staff under supervision of nephrologists.
Dialysis Medical officer available in the department to handle all types of complications.
Free Recreation and Refreshment available for patients during Dialysis
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